Avik Bosshardt - avikbosshardt.com


Below is a curated selection of my favorite projects, large and small, which best demonstrate the depth and breadth of my knowledge.

Apples and Oranges

Apples and Oranges is a mobile app developed with a team of four students over the course of one semester using Ionic Framework (TypeScript, JavaScript, HTML5, CSS). It was designed for entertainment purposes, with the goal being to settle disputes or make decisions in a lighthearted way. Enter any two words, and it queries Datamuse API to gather information about the words, select a winner between the two, and present that winner in an apparently-intelligent way.
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Turtlebot Navigation

In the summer of 2019, I worked in Macalester's AI and robotics lab with two other students and a faculty mentor. Our primary task was to design, train, and integrate a convolutional neural network into an existing robot navigation system using Python, TensorFlow, and OpenCV. Over the course of 10 weeks, we achieved our goal of significant improvements in performance and accuracy. The lab's GitHub is linked below. My contributions are primarily in the main codebase catkin_ws, and compass_recorder, an Android app developed to streamline the training data collection process.
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Crossword Solver

Crossword Solver is my senior capstone project. A collaboration with two other students, it was developed in Python over the course of a semester. Crossword Solver gathers information from Google search and Datamuse API (see also: my Apples and Oranges project). It takes this information and makes use of an informed depth-first search as well as other techniques from the field of AI to solve a given crossword puzzle.
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Drone Computer Vision

A side project in the summer 2019 Macalester AI and Robotics lab, we developed a keyboard control scheme for our Parrot Bebop drone using Python. We also experimented with various computer vision object tracking techniques including face tracking, color tracking, and QR code reading to achieve autonomous flying.
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Minimum Spanning Sidewalks

This is a project developed in Java with a team of three students. It is an implementation of two well-known algorithms for finding the minimum spanning tree of a graph: Prim's algorithm and Kruskal's Algorithm. We demonstrated applications of these algorithms by applying them to the sidewalks in Macalester College. Knowing the minimum spanning tree of the sidewalks could, for example, allow workers to plow the sidewalks in an efficient way so that all the campus's buildings are quickly accessible after a snowstorm.
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L-System Viewer

L-System Viewer is a project created as part of a Theory of Computation course. Written in Java in a team of two students over the course of two weeks, it employs turtle graphics to turn a text description of a Lindenmayer system into a fractal representation.
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MetroTransit Analysis

Our final project in Intro to Data Science was a collaboration with Twin Cities MetroTransit. A group of three students used data provided by MetroTransit to explore relationships between demographics and transit ridership. The analysis was conducted in R, using a variety of packages including dplyr, tidyverse, and leaflet, among others.
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Todo List

Todo List is a simple todo list program created independently in Java for the primary purpose of gaining familiarity with JavaFX and serialization. It allows you to add and remove items to the list which consist of a title, description, and date. The items on the list persist across sessions.
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